Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let's Make A Change Together

Due to this being my last blog for the class, I wanted to speak about not only the subject of Global Warming but also how this class has helped me in bringing awareness to many. Global Warming is not something that will disappear tomorrow, in a month, or even a year. It takes great and continues effort from everyone to achieve a better tomorrow. We can help our home (Earth) by carpooling to work or school, save energy and water at home, stopping the litter and bringing awareness to others about Global Warming.
Though Global Warming is a known subject many do not know the severity of it which is why I am thankful I had an opportunity to blog about it. This class has definitely helped me express myself better. When I first started this class I was not sure what to expect because like any class you go in ready for it to be the last day however, I can honestly say this class has taught me how to network and share valuable information. I am hoping with my blog to make many aware of fun ways to help our earth, and the importance of it. Every person has the power to make a difference as they say Think Globally, Act Locally. Let’s save our home!!...Peace, Love, and Happiness!


The other day while I was driving to STU I saw something that completely shocked me. I saw this person throw a bunch of McDonald's bags out of his widow into the streets without having any consideration to those around him and our environment. Littering can harm the environment in a number different ways. It is a breeding ground for disease-causing insects and rodents. Its “ugliness” damages the appearances of our community and beautiful environments. Open containers such as the McDonalds bags can hold rainwater, providing breeding locations for mosquitoes. Over 51 billion pieces of litter land on U.S. roadways each year! I believe that people litter because it’s their own personnel choice. Some people feel no sense of ownership for our community. They believe someone else will pick up after them. We all have a role to play in preventing littering; it just takes one person (YOU) to positively impact the behavior of others in our community. If you happen to see someone litter let’s act now by contacting the Department of Ecology 866-548-8371 and please make sure to include this information:

• License plate number, state, and type (Disabled, University, etc.)
• Vehicle description (make, model, type, color)
• Who littered (driver, passenger, unsecured load, etc.)
• Description of what was littered
• Date and time of incident
• Location (Hwy, Road, intersection)
• Direction of travel
• Nearest town

They will not be issued a ticket, but they will receive a letter describing litter laws and fines.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wild Kingdom

The planet is warming due to global warming and not only are humans at risk, but our animals are already at great danger of extinction.  I would first like to point out which animals are being affected by global warming.  First, the polar bears, their ice sheets are melting, which leaves them with fewer places for them to hunt and raise their young.  Second, the penguins, the rising temperatures affect the food chain. Penguins feed on tiny organisms like shrimp and these tiny little organisms survive on algae, but the melting ice and rising temperatures are creating a decrease on algae. Third, there’s the trout, which need glacial temperatures to survive or they will not live.  Fourth, the orangutan, since insect’s flourish and increase on rising temperatures this makes orangutans more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections as well as disease carried by these insects. Fifth, the arctic fox, since these animals are adapted to freezing temperatures, global warming is pushing them further north in search for a proper habitat.  If global warming keeps increasing, this list of animals can continue to add up.  All animals are living, breathing souls with hearts and feelings just like us.  And they should be treated that way. I am using my voice to speak for these animals that can’t.

*Action Tip-The loss of natural habitat is what's killing our animals.  Caused directly by human consumption.  Next time you have to go to the grocery store why not ride your bike there.  It not only helps our environment, but  it also helps our body stay fit.

Happy Feet Two

Yesterday night I took my goddaughter to go see Happy Feet Two and not only was it the cutest movie, but the most educational movie for children to learn about our environment. The movie is about a baby penguin trying to save his family and friends from being trapped by icebergs because of global warming the earth has shifted the landscape and they can’t get any food. The movie brings up different types of global warming topics, but the one that stood out to me the most was how it shows polar bears clinging to shrinking icebergs because of the effects of global warming causing ice cracks in the Antarctica. It’s on the Arctic ice that the polar bear makes its living, which is why global warming is such a serious threat to their well-being.  Polar bears are being impacted by population sizes decreasing, sea ice platforms moving further apart and swimming conditions more dangerous, and fewer hunting opportunities.  If we as humans don’t help save these poor creatures from global warming then two thirds of polar bears will disappear by 2050.  Let’s act now!

*Action Tip- Please click on the link below and help save the polar bears from extinction

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Flash Flood

On January 10, 2011 in Australia there was a flash flood (sudden flood of great volume which is usually caused by heavy rain) of six inches that was caused by a climate change, which killed 9 people and left 59 missing. The flood water caused an overflow and significant flooding of low-lying areas in Brisbane, Australia's third largest city.  Flash floods can occur nationwide and this means in all the areas that we live.  In order to educate ourselves from these flash floods we should determine whether we live a potential flood zone and if so what actions can be done to prevent this horrible catastrophe of happening.  In the below video you will see the sad fate of a row of parked cars being swept away by the flood.  

*Action Tip of the Day- Take Shorter ShowersShowers account for 2/3 of all water heating costs. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $99 per year. We never know when there will be a flood in our area therefore save as much water as possible the next time you take a shower.